Madonna COVID-19 Kitchen Party (4 Photos And Video)

Madonna COVID-19 Kitchen Party (4 Photos And Video)

In self-isolation throughout COVID-19 quarantine, every person is seeking their very own means to pass their downtime with enjoyable and revenue. Somebody amuses themselves with publications, television collection and reveals on YouTube, however 61-year-old Madonna, tosses a loud celebration right in her very own cooking area. She lately uploaded a video clip of among these houseparty. It reveals Madonna, together with her more youthful youngsters, 14-year-old David and Chifundo and seven-year-old Stella and Esther, along with buddies, dancing to incendiary tracks in the dining-room.

At the very same time, Madonna’s older youngsters, 23-year-old Lourdes and 19-year-old Rocco, were not seen in the video clip. The 25-year– old sweetheart of Madonna, Ahlamalik Williams, did not show up in the frame-apparently, it was he that fired the video clip, because previously in journalism composed that the enthusiasts are with each other in self-isolation in London.

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